Sunday, July 20, 2008

6/23: MASCULINE FEMININE (French Title: Màsçûlín Fémínîn)

Masculine Feminine is a movie in French and in Black (and White) and it was made by Jean-Luc Godard in 1966 when the world was totally peaceful and nobody talked about things like Gas and War and the Gas Wars and the Gas Wars II: Who's Got the Last Gas Now? Sooo the movie is chock-full of such peace-full things as:



A Pretty Lady!

Way More Badass Art!

Badass Buildings!

Post-Coital Staring Contests!!

So there are six reasons to come see this movie. If you can come up with six or more reasons not to come, then we will give you a $50 gift certificate to the new IKEA (only redeemable in the Hot-Dog-Shaped Couch section), but in order to get it, you have to come pick it up yourself at the screening Wednesday night. So, no matter what, we'll see you there, sucker!

1 comment:

essie etc. said...

oh shit i love this movie. 6/23 means 7/23, right? so we basically get another month of summer? sweet.