Not to be confused with Gulliver's Travels, Sullivan's Tadpoles, Mulligan's Tassles, Hollister's Assholes, or O Brother Where Art Thou*. This movie is much funnier than all of those. In fact, it's about making a movie that's much funnier than all other movies ever. You should come see it, it's way wittier than anything else you'd be doing Wednesday night.
Also, we're premiering our new cinema this week, the Alec Norxchorx Family Cinema and Boozebar, with a brand new screen (The Fuckin' Chupacabra) that is in fact a large wall painted white. The old screen is being retired due to its age, bad posture, lack of charisma, and the fact that it got struck by lightning almost 117 times in the five years that we've been running this show. Don't worry about getting lost finding the place though, we took a cue from the Mets and Yankees, and built the new one right next to the old. Just walk out the roof door as usual and you'll see it right before your eyes – none of those pesky right turns or anything.
Sea youth air!
*you'll have to see the movie to get this joke.
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